Sunday, December 26, 2010

random projects: part 1

Pickup Simulator:

This little "pedal" was made to help me create and tweak new circuit designs. It allows me to plug in an ipod to it with clean guitar riffs and rhythms and this unit changes the tone and impedance to make it sounds like it's coming from a guitar pick up. So now I can tweak and create without having a guitar on my lap with one hand strumming and the other swapping parts. Hopefully it will expedite that very time-consuming part of building effects.

Circuit Design Rig:

This unit is essentially all that I need to create and modify effects. I build the circuits on the 'breadboard' and then the pink unit is basically a pedal without an actual circuit so I plug my guitar into the input, it goes through whatever I have on the breadboard, and then the output goes to an amp.

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