Thursday, February 3, 2011

11 for 11

I stole this idea from a couple friends. This is not a list of things I would like to accomplish this year that eventually becomes a list of things I wish I had accomplished this year. It is a simple list of things to do or add to my routine that I hope will make me a better person.

- MY 11 FOR 11 -
1) read a newspaper regularly
2) do something service related that returns no recognition
3) thrice per week, wear something other than a t-shirt and jeans
4) learn 5 new (big or small) things a week on guitar and play something for fun once a day
5) spend time with my jr high small group boys a couple times a month outside of church
6) when making meals, reach more often for the refrigerator than the pantry
7) drink more water
8) sponsor a child through a world outreach agency
9) learn how to make clothing
10) once a day, affirm someone or tell them why I appreciate them
11) take 15 minutes every morning to close my eyes and be silent

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